I’m not into witchcraft, but i was curious about something. If it does work, does the person that your cursing or putting a spell on have to be close to you? say if there in another state far away, will it still work?

I could (have) write a book on this. (No, it’s not published, it’s for my students.)

If you took high school physics (and remember any of it) you have the basic principles; simply apply to mental and emotional energy.

To “cast a spell” The person does need to be close, but not physically. (Well, it depends on the spell. I find healing spells work beter in a close proximity simply because more emotional energy is generated on seeing someone suffer.) There needs to be a connection between the caster and the subject. It does not need to be a particularly *strong* connection, and indeed work can be done to strengthen the connection for other work. If there is no mental, emotional or spiritual connection, a physical connection can sometimes be forged through sympathetic magic, or a “cast” can be done to create a connection. The former requires a good stand in for the subject (Hair, discarded clothing, etc. DNS is preferable, a photo or name can work sometimes.), the later requires the active participation of the subject.

This is, of course, a gross oversimplification, but that’s the basic gist of how it works

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