What’s the big deal? Sometimes the single witch encounters stranger things dating non-pagans than she does in her magic circle!
I used to wonder, when I was in college, why all the good-lookin Jewish boys only dated Jewish women…now I think I’m beginning to understand.
I have dated my share of non-pagans (actually, I’ve never seriously dated a pagan) and have found myself faced with reactions that I’m sure few christian women have to contend with:
- Fear: and I’m not just talking about your usual “you guys sacrifice babies!” stuff. I wouldn’t even think about dating someone that dopey. But I’ve actually been asked, on dates (usually second or third dates), if I’ve ever used a love potion on a guy, if I’ve placed hexes on ex-boyfriends…etc. Etc. Etc. One guy accused me of “doing something to him”. Honey, if you trust me that little, why did you ask me out in the first place?
- Novelty: yes, I love being a witch and it is a big part of who I am. Yes, I share that information early on so that my date knows about it. But it isn’t the only thing I want to talk about! And please don’t introduce me to your buddies as “my witchy girlfriend”. :p
- Confusion: many pagans partake of other alternative practices in addition to their religious preference. So, Joe Dateable knew a witch once, and she was into polyamory and body modification…eep eep! I’ve also had guys tell me that they understand my religious preference, but they have to eat meat, so I know how hard it is to sort out people who think one thing equals another.
- Initial acceptance, followed by growing concern: this is a common one. It’s ok to date a witch, but when things start getting “serious”, guys start to wonder if it’s ok to live with/marry/raise children with a witch. Prejudice starts at home guys…teach your children right no matter who you marry.
- My personal favorite, over-enthusiasm: I just love it when a guy is ready to “convert” after two dates. “teach me how to be a witch”, “show me how to do a spell”…etc…can we all say “oy!”?
So why haven’t I dated pagans? You’d think, given this history, that I’d be all over it. I suppose I somehow equate it to dating someone I work with…what happens to the dynamic of the circle if we are having difficulties? Currently, I’m in a committed relationship with a guy who shows only minor signs of these problems, although we’ve been through most of them. If Fate ever turns the wheel that I should become involved with a pagan, I’d certainly be open to it.