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My Answer

Fortune-telling is to Divination as Reality Television is to Documentary.

Divination is a practice of using tools (tarot, runes, scrying, pig guts, whathaveyou) to allow the super-conscious mind discover information that may be hidden (occult) to the conscious mind of the querent. This information can be used to extrapolate the possible and/or likely course of future events. The accuracy of the information can only be tested by using the information, and in so doing one becomes as part of the experiment rather than an independent observer, therefore it is not a testable phenomenon by empirical standards and largely classified as bunko.

Fortune Telling is using the trappings of divination (tools, mysticism) combined with showmanship, pop psychology and cold reading to create an entertaining extrapolation of possible future events. Because many people confuse the two practices, self-fulfilling prophesies may arise from fortune tellers.

Some diviners (often called readers or psychics) cross the line between the two practices and further confuse the matter; others resort to cold reading without realizing it.